Searching in Bauble

Three are three types of search queries available in Bauble. You can search by value, expression or query.

All searches are case insensitive so searching for Maxillaria and maxillaria will return the same results.

Search by Value

Search by value is the simplest way to search. You just type in a string and see what matches. Which fields/columns are search for your string depends on how the different plugins are configured. For example, by default the PlantPlugin search the family name, the genus name, the species and infraspecific species names, vernacular names and geography. So if you want to search in the notes field of any of these types then searching by value is not the search you’re looking for.

Examples of searching by value would be: Maxillaria, Acanth, 2008.1234, 2003.2.1

Search string are separated by spaces. For example if you enter the search string Block 10 then Bauble will search for the strings Block and 10 and return all the results that match either of these strings. If you want to search for Block 10 as a while string then you should quote the string like "Block 10".

Search by Expression

Searching with expression gives you a little more control over what you are searching for. It can narrow the search down to a specific domain. Expression consist of a domain, an operator and a value. For example the search: gen=Maxillaria would return all the genera that match the name Maxillaria. In this case the domain is gen, the operator is = and the value is Maxillaria.

The search string gen like max% would return all the genera whose names start with “Max”. In this case the domain again is gen, the operator is like, which allows for “fuzzy” searching and the value is max%. The percent sign is used as a wild card so if you search for max% then it search for all value that start with max. If you search for %max it searches for all values that end in max. The string %max%a would search for all value that contain max and end in a.

For more information about the different search domain see…..TODO

If expression are invalid they are usually used as search by value searchs. For example the search string gen= will execute a search by value for the string gen and the search string gen like will search for the string gen and the string like.

Search by Query

Queries allow the most control over searching. With queries you can search across relations, specific columns and join search using boolean operators like AND and OR.

An example of a query would be:
plant where and"Block 10"

This query would return all the plants whose family are Fabaceae and are located in Block 10.

Searching with queries usually requires some knowledge of the Bauble internals and database table layouts.


The following are the common search domain and the columns they search by default. The default columns are used when searching by value and expression. The queries do not use the default columns.


fam, family: Search bauble.plugins.plants.Family

gen, genus: Search bauble.plugins.plants.Genus

sp: Search bauble.plugins.plants.Species

geography: Search bauble.plugins.plants.Geography

acc: Search

plant: Search

loc, location: Search


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